Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weddings and lip dubs xD

Hey guys! :) SO! I went and filmed a mock wedding thing today so I could get business and make MONEYYY! lol Im already starting to book more stuff so Im uber excited. Plus I got to miss school today, and thats always fun xD anywhos! heres a link to a lip dub I did with my friends :D hope you likee! :)
Lip Dub Montage! :D

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chemistry is kinda boring... And there is this chick that I hate in here D: um idk I havent posted in a while so I wanted to just put sometin out here.. Ok im gonna go before I get in trouble.. And my friend cody always feels the need to tell me how his burps tasted D: GROSS! lol

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Life: a game of chess.

We are all playing the game of chess we call our lives... Some are the pawns. Now these pawns go about their lives completely unaware of the outside world. They go about their little monotonous routines and never try to venture out of the comfort zone. Now some people are the rooks and bishops. The rooks and bishops have heard stories they dream that some better life exists and sometimes they venture out of the comfort zone in hopes of finding it, but mostly they sit around in their lives and dream; almost as bad as the pawns. Some people are the knights. The knights are arrogant and foolish the knights think they know everything they know about the "outside world" its always there just outside their reach but they are to afraid to just grab ahold of it. So these knights sit around and brag that the "outside world" wants them but they prefer to stay here where its safe. The queens are the people with huge dreams and plans the ones who try everything in the game without any fear of what the unknown holds.. The queens are the innovators of our world the ones who eventually make it out of this silly game we all play and are the ones on the outside watching and moving all the pawns, rooks, knights, and bishops playing the game of life following a rule book