Thursday, June 30, 2011

Red hair! iPod games and phineas and ferb

So I dyed my hair red today; it was a hassle. The bathroom is now strewn with ruined towels and my eye brows kinda had some sort of alergic reaction to the dye an there itching :( Other than that it looks nice. Last week I found "fashion story" a fun app for my iPod. I now have now been on there 24/7 and added club and cafe story.... I started thinking, this is why america is falling to the shit. Companies pull you in with the promise of something free the they say if you want more go to this site, which leads tO more hours online THEN if you want to upgrade to the next level please fill out your credit card info. I mean I do love the Internet, my iPod and whatever else but I just think people should go outside take a picture and experience life for real once in a while. At least we all still have phineas and Ferb. :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Young love, is it worth your paranoid mom's wrath?

Today started off like any normal day, except, me sister had a date with some cute new guy she likes. Perfectly innocent "teen dating" as I like to call it because it is not actually a date in our town it usually consists of walking around all day and going to different stores and hang out places. Me and my mom left for a little to drop my brothers off at the sitters house. After we return to town my mom realizes that she has texted my sister 10 times and called twice that and she still isn't answering. You might as well have dropped the atomic bomb in Oakhurst; my mom FREAKED. She began frantically calling my sister screaming at me and threatening to call the cops. "Fuckin great," Im thinking to myself, "what if this guy really is a freak and him and sophia are tearing off in his car somewhere. No no I say sophia is just ignoring the phone." After driving like a maniac all over oakhurst we get a hold of her.... She was at the Me&Eds...... about 20 feet from where my mom works. Mom claims she checked the store twice.... she didn't..... she barely drove by and peeked in a window from the car. Jacob (Sophia's guy friend) lol was totally nice and understanding of the irrational freak out "I knew this would happen." He said. "Because she doesn't know me that well." And he gave my mom his phone number. After this I thought to myself is young love worth all the trouble it causes? I mean, yes, I have had my share a pointless little "loves". I never told my mom about one guy who I got extremely serious about though because, well, this is how she reacts.... Maybe its just because my sister is a little bit crazier than me, at least thats what people think. But Im the quiet crazy one, I smoke my weed with my uncle on the beach or with my friends in the park and I always cover it well, when I date a guy I keep not serious and on the DL, and I always pretend to be the picture perfect image of a "respectable" teen. But thats just me, party hard, party loud, but always have your own bail ;)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prozac for cats

It is taking me a lifetime finish this blog because I am constantly being distracted by the story line of this mediocre movie. Well my cat keeps attacking me and I began to wonder, do they make some kind of a Prozac for cats? I mean my kitten can be the sweetest little angel sleeping like a baby and whatever else thenthe next minute he turns into a crazed maniac tearing into my hands and arms. If they did have this Prozac for animals or whatever how would they take it? Ok I am totally running off track here, actually, this is my blog I can write about what ever lol. So my summer has been pretty bad and it's been giving me time to think and I have been wondering why people need friends? I have "friends" but thy allseem to be enormously busy with their own lives and I feel like I'm some sort of an interloper on their lives..... Any ways never mind :) I need a vacation! Ok so I am going to attempt to clean my house again today and then I'm gonna buy the first one way train ticket to la because I gotta get out of this tiny terrible town. Peace.

Monday, June 27, 2011


This is my first post... :) SO half a month into the summer Ithink? yea ok. any ways, Im sitting at home I have been watching What I Like About You reruns and stuffing down a mutitude of sweets.... this is bad I feel like a fatty lol. Also my brother thinks it hilarious to continue to torture my cat and continually throw himself over the couch! Im am going insane over here. So after I post this I think I  might get up turn off the TV and organize the shit outta my house! yep thats what is gonna happen...... after I finish this ice cream...