Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prozac for cats

It is taking me a lifetime finish this blog because I am constantly being distracted by the story line of this mediocre movie. Well my cat keeps attacking me and I began to wonder, do they make some kind of a Prozac for cats? I mean my kitten can be the sweetest little angel sleeping like a baby and whatever else thenthe next minute he turns into a crazed maniac tearing into my hands and arms. If they did have this Prozac for animals or whatever how would they take it? Ok I am totally running off track here, actually, this is my blog I can write about what ever lol. So my summer has been pretty bad and it's been giving me time to think and I have been wondering why people need friends? I have "friends" but thy allseem to be enormously busy with their own lives and I feel like I'm some sort of an interloper on their lives..... Any ways never mind :) I need a vacation! Ok so I am going to attempt to clean my house again today and then I'm gonna buy the first one way train ticket to la because I gotta get out of this tiny terrible town. Peace.

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