Sunday, August 7, 2011

Digital footprints

Today over an intense conversation it was brought to my attention the complete dependancy we americans have on texting, our computers, and the digital "footprint" we are leaving in this world. Ok I HATE it when people text me. I dont mind when only three people, but these people are really close friends.. I mean when some one texts you, you feel obligated to get your phone and text them back; whether its an aswer to their question or telling them "whats up". Our entire generation is based on texting lingo. This new sort of language is making it impossible for people to write intelligently and if we are not careful it could soon create an iliterate society; much like the movie Idiocracy. Now I love my computers, my blog, and just the internet all together. First a question.. Should we be thinking strongly about what we put out on the internet for the world too see? I mean sure we are thinking nothing of it now. We blog away about tokin it up partyin it down and living our lives to the craziest and fullest. What about in the future though? What if we are appling for an amazing job and the employer pulls up your internet history, or digital "footprint" so to speak. You lose the job to the perfect little pill poppin preppy who kept their internet workings clean. You know what I say. SO WHAT?! Yeah I should probably think about what I put on here, but guess what? I won't because this is me. If you dont want to take it; then thank you for your time and leave. (Although, I still hate texting. Pick up a pen and paper and learn to read and write the correct way people!) :P

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