Friday, July 29, 2011

10 questions

Hey! :) So I have nothing to post about today so this is going to be a random blog of 10 questions
1. how come my room never stays clean D: I mean I spotless it I try to put everything away and it always ends up in a huge pigsty!
2. what language do deaf people think in?
3. what if we already know everything we learn when we are born and then we just forget?
4. how come when you have a water cooler everything in your fridge gets wet? it is sooo annoying D:
5. why is the sky blue? why couldnt it be red or purple? its okay though cuz blue is my fav color.(:
6. how come clouds look like a soft fluffy pillow when in acuality ther are NOT soft?
7. what does LCD stand for?
8. how can kittens be soooo friggen cute? XD
9. if your parents are the ugliest people on earth... do you think they're ugly?
10. When you die. Do you really see a light that you are supossed to go into?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Get me out of here

SO I havent posted in a really long time lol... Um Im trying to find a house in sacramento like maybe for vacation home or something idk. I just really hate living in the country.... So yeah I mean it totally sucks I have friends and stuff but its still real boring up here. My stupid bitch sister is getting the computer from me so this is gonna be a really short post. Umm if you hate where you live and your reading this comment lol idk I just want to read some of your guys's thoughts... <---- did i say that right? oh well! :) comment my stuff!<3
PS. Oh yeah the pics above are of my town lol(:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The end of our era.

So I finally went and watched Harry Potter last night. I've been putting it off because if I didn't go and see it, it wouldn't really be over. I finally decided all great things end at some point and I went to watch it. It touched my heart and made me cry..... I exited the movie feeling like one of my childhood friends had left. The nanny got the keys out of her purse and said come on guys lets go home, and I thought "Im not going home.... not really." On the way home I was thinking, our generation is the generation of Harry Potter. We were lucky enough to be part of one of the greatest movie series of all time. Harry Potter is to us what Star Wars was so many teens and children in 1977. With one small exception Harry Potter is a part of us, it is the values we learned about good and evil and friendship and love. I still remember when I first picked up The Sorcerers stone in a doctors office; I was five years old and I have been following our beloved wizards since. So I would like to take this moment to thank J.K. Rowling. Thank you for the warm memories, the time spent excited for the next installment of adventure, the lessons, and most of all Thank you for my childhood...

Friday, July 22, 2011

You people need to "calm yo tits"

Ok people seriously need to take a CHILL PILL. Im sitting on Facebook tonight and about 7 posts come up from the wannabe gangster kid that goes to the other school up here. He's talking shit on a couple of girls that apparently are "slut whore bitches" that "need to be taught a thing or two". I mean WTF??!! Get OVER yourself ass hole, this guy starts threatening these girls and shit and I'm just sitting here thinking why the hell do people get so worked up about nothing? Especially up here in the sticks. I am from East LA where the gang fights are real and people never take shit from no one. Yeah I don't necessarily agree with that either, but at least down there people are fighting for what they believe belongs to them (neighborhood territory and such) up here people are just terribly vindictive because some girl or guy decided they didn't want to be in that relationship any more.... SHIT HAPPENS! Get over it, date someone new, and MOVE ON. Don't sit around mopping for a week and then post for two weeks on face book about how you are "gonna bring some pain to this Bitch". Stand up, turn off your rage and go on tumblr.(:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So bored and tired

So Im excited for august and september :D august Im goin somewhere with my friend rach and the september Im going to see one of my favorite bands at the madera fair! :D good timez. I started this juice fast diet and it was TERRIBLE I realized that I had made it wrong and thats why it made me hurl :( I am going to try again tomorrow :) maybe it will work out better... That is about all I have to say right now..

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So its 1:45 AM and I have nothing to post about... kind of lol. So Im just gonna post 10 facts about me!(:
1. I hate horror movies (except zombieland which isnt really a horror movie and I think its hilarious XD) 
2. I LOVE any type of love story movie from the 80s and 90s tv shows(:
3. I hate kissing (UNLESS it with someone who kisses totally amazing like this one boyfriend I had his name was nathaniel he was the GREAEST kisser ever(:) but other than that it annoys me and ur like swapping mouth germs with a really bad kisser (granted only mouth kissing I hate any where else is... awesome and stuff that kissing leads to is quite enjoyable ;) ) 
4. I get VERY scared at night....( i don't know what I am actually scared of but I get this terrible feeling of terror like someone or something evil is watching me from outside and I don't know that it will ever hurt me but the fact that it is or isn't there terrifies me)
5. I love dressing up in anything mostly fancy dresses..... 
6. my dad is an Elvis impersonator and frankly he's quite crazy (and a TOTAL ass hole)
7. I ADORE cats(: <3
8. I love to cook and I am very good at it (ithink and most people I cook for tell me so)
9. I hate the thought of dying..... Its like I'm afraid of it... I cant come to terms with the fact that I won't live forever.
10. I will always be a kid inside cuz even now when I'm all alone I pretend that Im a princess living in my own kingdom on top this hill (my house is on a hill like above every one around me) wishing on that one star outside her window, and waiting for her prince to come save her..... 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why do we all love tumblr?

So! I have decided to make my blog post for tomorrow tonight; since it is tomorrow all ready at 1:21 am(: Why am I awake so late.... or early? idk, anyways, I don't have a computer over summer so any chance I get to use my mom's with out my sister screaming down my neck that it's HER TURN I take it to the extreme and never get off until my eyes wont stay open anymore. As I sit online editing pics I just took of myself and choosing the best ones; a few people are on face book but there are so many people posting on tumblr<: I am proud to call myself one of the millions of the "tumblr generation". IN actuality tumblr is more of a "family" or rather Friends you WISH you had(: hate on tumblr is done anon and can be dismissed just as quickly, when hated someone almost always comes to your defense, people love harry potter, each other, Vans, star filled triangles, and anything crazy that you would never admit to loving with a passion in the "real world". People who just cant understand it dismiss it as foolish, teachers and adults think it's a waste of time because it interrupts homework and sleep, but we know better. Tumblr is where all us outcasts or a little different people are excepted and loved. I post a link to every new post I make on this blog to my tumblr..... I would NEVER link it to facebook. So I don't care what people say about getting out there and experiencing the "real world"; Tumblr is OUR real world.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Long time

Oh wow I have not been here posting since before the 4th of july... I've been busy. I spent a week at my grandmothers in northern California boating and lying in the sun :) Since I got back I've been spending time with my friends and doing all sorts of unthinkable mischief in oakhurst and fresno. Anyways, I haven't seen my bestest friends since the last day of school. Yesterday we finally hung out, alone, just the three of us in oakhurst. It was awesome! No, we did not wreak havok in the town, we just hung out talked and planned to color our hair. I realized its the smallest things in life that matter; yes, I have enjoyed crazily running around the central valley with my other set of friends, but I have had more fun than I have had all summer just walking around and spending time with Steph and Rach :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Smoking air" high on life

When you were little and it was cold out side would you get a straw or something and pretend you were smoking? Haha idk why I thought of that, but I did it all the time. Anyway, it got me thinking about a bunch of little things that made us extremely happy when we were little but don't have the same joy for us any more. Things like fire works, making smores, having a BBQ, getting a new toy, and so on. So I just want to leave you with this for the 4th of July holidaze :).... Pause your crazy life for a short time and just enjoy the fire works of life.....
PS. oh yeah and enjoy the margaritas! HAPPY 4TH!