Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So its 1:45 AM and I have nothing to post about... kind of lol. So Im just gonna post 10 facts about me!(:
1. I hate horror movies (except zombieland which isnt really a horror movie and I think its hilarious XD) 
2. I LOVE any type of love story movie from the 80s and 90s tv shows(:
3. I hate kissing (UNLESS it with someone who kisses totally amazing like this one boyfriend I had his name was nathaniel he was the GREAEST kisser ever(:) but other than that it annoys me and ur like swapping mouth germs with a really bad kisser (granted only mouth kissing I hate any where else is... awesome and stuff that kissing leads to is quite enjoyable ;) ) 
4. I get VERY scared at night....( i don't know what I am actually scared of but I get this terrible feeling of terror like someone or something evil is watching me from outside and I don't know that it will ever hurt me but the fact that it is or isn't there terrifies me)
5. I love dressing up in anything mostly fancy dresses..... 
6. my dad is an Elvis impersonator and frankly he's quite crazy (and a TOTAL ass hole)
7. I ADORE cats(: <3
8. I love to cook and I am very good at it (ithink and most people I cook for tell me so)
9. I hate the thought of dying..... Its like I'm afraid of it... I cant come to terms with the fact that I won't live forever.
10. I will always be a kid inside cuz even now when I'm all alone I pretend that Im a princess living in my own kingdom on top this hill (my house is on a hill like above every one around me) wishing on that one star outside her window, and waiting for her prince to come save her..... 

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