Saturday, July 23, 2011

The end of our era.

So I finally went and watched Harry Potter last night. I've been putting it off because if I didn't go and see it, it wouldn't really be over. I finally decided all great things end at some point and I went to watch it. It touched my heart and made me cry..... I exited the movie feeling like one of my childhood friends had left. The nanny got the keys out of her purse and said come on guys lets go home, and I thought "Im not going home.... not really." On the way home I was thinking, our generation is the generation of Harry Potter. We were lucky enough to be part of one of the greatest movie series of all time. Harry Potter is to us what Star Wars was so many teens and children in 1977. With one small exception Harry Potter is a part of us, it is the values we learned about good and evil and friendship and love. I still remember when I first picked up The Sorcerers stone in a doctors office; I was five years old and I have been following our beloved wizards since. So I would like to take this moment to thank J.K. Rowling. Thank you for the warm memories, the time spent excited for the next installment of adventure, the lessons, and most of all Thank you for my childhood...

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