Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why do we all love tumblr?

So! I have decided to make my blog post for tomorrow tonight; since it is tomorrow all ready at 1:21 am(: Why am I awake so late.... or early? idk, anyways, I don't have a computer over summer so any chance I get to use my mom's with out my sister screaming down my neck that it's HER TURN I take it to the extreme and never get off until my eyes wont stay open anymore. As I sit online editing pics I just took of myself and choosing the best ones; a few people are on face book but there are so many people posting on tumblr<: I am proud to call myself one of the millions of the "tumblr generation". IN actuality tumblr is more of a "family" or rather Friends you WISH you had(: hate on tumblr is done anon and can be dismissed just as quickly, when hated someone almost always comes to your defense, people love harry potter, each other, Vans, star filled triangles, and anything crazy that you would never admit to loving with a passion in the "real world". People who just cant understand it dismiss it as foolish, teachers and adults think it's a waste of time because it interrupts homework and sleep, but we know better. Tumblr is where all us outcasts or a little different people are excepted and loved. I post a link to every new post I make on this blog to my tumblr..... I would NEVER link it to facebook. So I don't care what people say about getting out there and experiencing the "real world"; Tumblr is OUR real world.

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