Friday, July 29, 2011

10 questions

Hey! :) So I have nothing to post about today so this is going to be a random blog of 10 questions
1. how come my room never stays clean D: I mean I spotless it I try to put everything away and it always ends up in a huge pigsty!
2. what language do deaf people think in?
3. what if we already know everything we learn when we are born and then we just forget?
4. how come when you have a water cooler everything in your fridge gets wet? it is sooo annoying D:
5. why is the sky blue? why couldnt it be red or purple? its okay though cuz blue is my fav color.(:
6. how come clouds look like a soft fluffy pillow when in acuality ther are NOT soft?
7. what does LCD stand for?
8. how can kittens be soooo friggen cute? XD
9. if your parents are the ugliest people on earth... do you think they're ugly?
10. When you die. Do you really see a light that you are supossed to go into?

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